Frequently Asked Questions

To reset your password, click the 'Login' button on the login page, then select the 'Forgot password?' option to request a new password. If you do that and are still having problems accessing your account, please contact us at
Please send us an email at
  • iOS: Go to iPhone Settings -> Scroll Down and find MadLipz in the list of apps -> Under the Preferred Language option, click on Language -> Select the desired language.

  • Android: Go to device Settings -> Search for Language/Languages and input -> Add the desired language to the device and click Apply to switch to that language.
To update your profile details, you can go to Profile -> Tap the three dots icon on the top right (MenuDotsIcon) -> Settings -> Edit Profile. Complete the fields you wish to edit and click on 'Save' once you’re done making changes.
To change your profile picture, you can go to Profile -> Tap the three dots icon on the top right (MenuDotsIcon) -> Settings -> Edit Profile -> Tap the Edit icon on the profile picture (PenIcon) -> Select new picture.
To delete your account, you can go to Settings -> Manage Account -> Delete Account. Otherwise, please email us at

Can't find what you are looking for? Send us an email to  and our team will reach out to help.